‘Monster’s Ball’ Actor Coronji Calhoun Sr. has passed away at the age of 30
November 12, 2021 8:17AM CST
Coronji Calhoun, who played Halle Berry’s son in ‘Monster’s Ball’, has died of heart failure and lung issues. His mother revealed that Coronji had passed away on October 13, 2021. Coronji’s mother said, “We are blown away by the outpouring of love the community and Coronji’s adopted family has shown during our process of grief. As we close this chapter, we ask that in your remembrance of him, you remember to love your neighbor as yourself, because that is what Coronji did for his entire community.” Coronji was a father to his 10yr old son and 13yr old stepson. How often do you go see the doctor for a regular check-up?