Movie Set To Immortalize Wild Dennis Rodman Weekend
Midway through the 1997-1998 NBA season, Chicago Bulls player Dennis Rodman decided to take some time for himself and go to Las Vegas, where he spent a wild 48 hours. What happened during those two days will be the subject of the upcoming movie 48 Hours In Vegas. Although the film, which is being produced by Rodman, doesn’t have a completed script yet, it does have a star attached: Jonathan Majors, who’s appeared in such films as Creed III and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quanumania. He’s taking on the role of the colorful Rodman. “Hopefully, I get to sit with him and chat with him when we get closer and are trying to get the script right,” Majors says. “I never really put a ceiling on myself, but this is definitely a role where I’m pushing that ceiling out. Because he demands that.” A release date for 48 Hours In Vegas has not yet been announced. Who would you have picked to play Rodman?